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stress and grow your small business


Your business will never be more robust or more effective than the aggregate of its people. A strong workforce starts with you, the owner, and expands to those you employ and those with whom you affiliate. “Getting the right people on the bus” is a term coined by Jim Collins in his 2001 best-seller “Good to Great.”

Collins subsequently argues that this is great managers’ first and foremost function. Hiring right is essential if not critical. It is, however, only the start. If you want success, you want successful people. To achieve this target, you must create opportunities for them to succeed. These opportunities exist both in  Product and Process.

We work with you to identify the correct staff and personalities to engineer your organization’s success. And, of course, a large part of this is ensuring that you have the right people doing the right jobs. As such, we work with you to understand and develop your staff’s skills, tools, capabilities, and engagement and ways that you can maximize their return.


W. Edwards Deming, the man credited by many as the lead architect of Japan’s post-WWII economic miracle, and founder of the Institute in Washington D.C. bearing his name, insists that people don’t fail. Instead, he argues that flawed processes fail us. Deming insists that you must purposefully design, implement, revise, and manage effective and efficient processes if you are to rise to the rank of a successful business operator.

We agree with Deming that when we aren’t getting the results we want, it is insane to continue using the same processes. However, just changing the process won’t work. It is too easy to jump from one flawed process to another. We, EWBC, work with you to understand and quantify the outcomes that are important to the success and growth of your company. Together we identify the areas where the current processes aren’t producing these outcomes. Finally, we work with you to adjust, craft, or recraft the procedures to guarantee your level of excellence.


“Build a better mousetrap, and the world will beat a path to your door,” or so Ralph Waldo Emerson tells us. But, unfortunately, history seems to record just the opposite. Too many times, we’ve watched good people with good hearts, good energy, and good intentions start or go into business only to fail. Some of them have fallen because of poor employees or the lack of good employees. Some died because their processes were faulty. But the most prominent cause we see of business failure is the inability to find customers.

This deficit of customers is rarely the result of inferior products. One need only look around or see news reports to discover companies making a significant profit while selling poor products or services. However, most of the business owners we’ve watched close their doors were selling good and even great products. Unfortunately, these owners failed because they were in the wrong market or entered at the wrong time.

We work with our clients to identify the markets for their services and tailor their products to those markets. We also work together to craft the messages that resonate within these markets and set prices to satisfy buyers and sellers.

Just a note of thanks to you for your help and guidance to me through the years to establish and begin operation of Indian Creek Baptist Camp. Getting a company up and running into a successful organization required much more experience than I had personally. Thanks for filling in all those pieces I was missing. You were always very patient to explain to me those things I did not know, and direct me in proper (and legal) business matters. Your knowledge in accounting helped the camp to get started on the right foot. Thanks to the Lord for his blessings on the camp and for sending you to help me to get it up and running.

Build a Business Plan in 90 Days

Are you ready to create a blueprint to get you from where you are to where you want to be? This guide outlines our structured roadmap to help you create a business plan that gets results.